How to Heal Using the TENS Portable Recovery Stimulator

A couple of weeks ago we were contacted to try one of the TENS touchscreen stimulators by Auvon, and seeing that half our staff was recovering from some kind of injury, we figured it was fate. And so we accepted the invitation and when it arrived we all hobbled to the mailbox to see who’d […]

7 Myths of Your Brain That Could Actually Be True

The universe is filled with wondrous mysteries, but none are any more wondrous than the amazing feats found inside your own head. Some researchers claim that within your own brain lies the potential to improve cognitive function throughout your lifetime and function at a higher capability than the average person—or can it? 1. Your brain […]

How Practicing Proper Breathing Impacts Your Health

Practicing proper breathing can make a huge difference in achieving optimal health. Unfortunately, not everyone pays importance to proper breathing. Generally, each body system relies on oxygen. From digestion to the cognitive system, effective breathing is beneficial. It doesn’t only provide a greater sense of mental clarity, but it also helps you digest food more […]

How to Lose Weight (without starving)

When you think of a diet, I bet your first thoughts are eating more steak, good fats, and remembering to fill yourself up with a big breakfast every morning. No? Well, perhaps you’ve not been introduced to the one diet that helps you lose weight, all while still allowing you to eat a lot of […]

7 Supplements Every Bodybuilder Should Know About

Supplements are common among bodybuilders and athletes. Certain supplements, when combined with a balanced diet, could help you develop muscles, improve stamina, and decrease recovery time.  The efficacy of each supplement varies based on various considerations, including the formulations, individual requirements, and one’s fitness level. Supplements will only work to their full capacity if they’re […]

21 Possible Symptoms Of Dehydration

Believe it or not, 75% of your body is made up of water. From cells to the major organs of the body, each needs water to maintain its optimal functions. This is why staying hydrated is an essential component of a healthy body.  Releasing water from your body is normal. Each time you move, breathe, […]

The 7 Amazing Wonders Your Body is Capable of

The universe is filled with wondrous mysteries, but none more so than those found within our own bodies. Within each of us lies the potential to dissolve razor blades, regenerate limbs, live over 100 years, lift a two-ton vehicle, and fall from a 47 story building and live to tell about it. Would you like […]

How to Safely Workout Outside During the Pandemic

Working out seems to be one of the most popular go-to activities since the world was hit with the pandemic. It is not surprising since exercise helps boost your mood and takes away the stress that the whole world is facing, even if it is just for a while. Not to mention working out improves […]

Why Should STD Testing Become a Regular Thing You Do

STD testing is one of the most important diagnostic testings you’ll have to do in your life. There are over 20 different diseases a person can transfer through sex or blood. Additionally, more than 50% of adults, across various demographics, are sexually active. This is all the more reason for those people, even those who […]

How to Support a Friend with Cancer

Few events and discoveries in life can make you feel as helpless and tongue-tied as receiving the news that someone you love is facing a deadly disease. Few can respond with “I know how you feel, I’ve been in your shoes”, and even fewer can genuinely relate to facing a cancer diagnosis. With or without […]