How to Buy a Woman Lingerie: Interview with Playboy Playmate, Tyran Richard

Tyran Richard, Miss March Playmate and cover model for Shirley of Hollywood lingerie understands what a woman needs to feel sexy. She also understands that when a man is faced with the decision to buy his lady some sexy eveningwear he gets… one chance to make a good impression. One chance to show how he sees […]

Your Ultimate Guide to Threesomes with Stella Harris

Guess what is the favorite sex fantasy among both men and women on any given day of the week? It is threesomes, and by a whopping three to one ratio according to studies conducted by Justin Lehmiller. And now guess how many of those people understand the politics, jealousy, and emotional ‘afterglow’ of transferring such […]

Proven Ways To Turn Her On: Tips from the Experts

If you haven’t got a lot of sexual experience, then you might be struggling to turn your girlfriend or wife on. Everybody is individual and has their own nuances; there isn’t a guaranteed way to turn everybody on, but there are some tried and tested methods that usually work. In addition to researching how to […]

6 Popular Hookup Apps For Getting Laid This Winter

The dating and hookup scene has changed a lot recently since the advent of dating and hookup apps. For the young generation, this development is more attuned to their on-the-go lifestyle. We live in a society where we struggle to balance work and fun, and sometimes life can be too busy for us to get […]

Sex, Seduction, and Insights with Dr. Jess and Marla

When two renowned sex experts write a book, and title it “The Ultimate Guide to Seduction and Foreplay,” well, our attention is immediately grabbed. And when that promised delivery of being an ultimate resource is delivered – well, then it’s time to get serious and implement some of this great information into your life. Dr. […]

Science Says This Type of Man Gets the Most Sex

After many years of research, science finally tells us what the characteristics and personality traits are that will lead to the most amount of sex in your lifetime. Sound interesting? You’re damn right it is. Today we can say that one of the worst mistakes men make on a first date, is they fail to […]

5 Things Guys Do in Bed That Disgust Women

Listen up guys… there are things that you do that make us women say ‘hmm’. But the majority of these are okay, as they only make you appear a bit quirky. Then there are the things that make us shudder a bit, like when you open a beer can with your teeth. In retrospect, these […]

Can Sex Make You Happier in Life? Well, Yes and No

Over half of the single men reading this right now have not had any sex within the past year. What? But that just can’t be possible, can it? And while reading that statistic may not make you feel very happy (unless you’re not within that group, of course), according to the research – your happiness […]

What Every Man Should Do Before Having Sex – According to Women

You’re a confident man. You know everything there is to know about sex – right? Yeah, but has your knowledge been forged by your own experience or the experience of the gender you are about to have sex with? Because that is two different things. Most men fudge up in the sex department – not by […]

Man’s Guide to Preparing for Intimacy

Pheromones, Manscaping, and Man’s Most Common Grooming Mistakes The man who knows everything about women, sex, and taking care of himself – has become that man by posing the right questions to the right people. Because no matter how much you think you know about a subject, there is always somebody who knows just a […]