Your Ultimate Guide to Threesomes with Stella Harris

Guess what is the favorite sex fantasy among both men and women on any given day of the week? It is threesomes, and by a whopping three to one ratio according to studies conducted by Justin Lehmiller. And now guess how many of those people understand the politics, jealousy, and emotional ‘afterglow’ of transferring such […]

Proven Ways To Turn Her On: Tips from the Experts

If you haven’t got a lot of sexual experience, then you might be struggling to turn your girlfriend or wife on. Everybody is individual and has their own nuances; there isn’t a guaranteed way to turn everybody on, but there are some tried and tested methods that usually work. In addition to researching how to […]

How to Become a Better Man

Success is attracted to men who are riding the waves of excess charisma, creativity, and confidence. These men crash down on the shore’s of life, and proceed to take it on a whimsical journey of mystery, learning, and innovative ideas. This is an impressive sight to behold, unless you happen to be one of the […]

Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Relationship During Quarantine

Love is beautiful, but being stuck inside together all day, every day can put a strain on your relationship. It’s why you need to come up with different ways to improve relationships during quarantine. Are you wracking your brain wondering how you will make it being indoors 24/7 for the duration of quarantine? It’s a […]

How to Successfully Start Your Own Couples Workout

If there is any goal worth keeping up with this year, it is to get in shape. And while you’re at it – bring your partner along for the ride. Working out as a couple is fun, sexy, motivational, and practically counts as foreplay. If you’ve failed in the past at getting your partner to […]

How Porn Affects Your Relationship

Betty Page may be the oringinal centerfold for the last century, but porn dates back at least 35,000 years. And this claim can be backed by the scientists who unearthed a larged thighed, ample breasted, and very sexually aroused statue of Venus from what we’ll call a group of creative and artistic cavemen. It was […]

What Women Want, and How To Give It To Them

  If we were pushed to a wall and forced to say exactly what a woman wants in one sentence, that sentence would look something like this: When it comes to making a woman happy, you should know that the small things count, chivalry is not dead, confidence is key; She needs to be a […]

Can Sex Make You Happier in Life? Well, Yes and No

Over half of the single men reading this right now have not had any sex within the past year. What? But that just can’t be possible, can it? And while reading that statistic may not make you feel very happy (unless you’re not within that group, of course), according to the research – your happiness […]

9 Reasons She Thinks You’re Selfish in Bed

If you haven’t picked up a lady’s magazine in a while, you may not realize that a lot of women think you’re lazy in bed. Okay, so it may not be you necessarily, but there are a lot of complaints going out to men in general. A quick way to know if you’re in the […]

3 Questions to Answer Before You Move in Together

When is the right time to move in with your significant other? Unfortunately, there isn’t an exact date or time that is perfect for everyone. The truth is that readiness to cohabitate is less about a specific timeline and more about a mutual understanding. For some couples, moving into a studio apartment in a new […]