How to Build Muscle with Periodization, Tapering, and Avoid Overtraining

Building muscle, strength, and performance is more than challenging your body and then expecting great things in return. It is a combination of periodization, tapering, peaking, and active rest days. To know these techniques is to know your own body, and when you become one with your own training… well, that is when some truly […]

What You Need to Know: How COVID-19 Affects the Heart, the Athlete, and Men’s Health

When I got COVID and landed in the emergency room, they checked my oxygen levels pretty quickly. As a doctor, I know how to interpret those readings and was happy to see my numbers were not too bad. So, I was surprised when my doctor wanted to do a CAT scan. I didn’t realize how […]

Lit Axis: How to Build Symmetry with Metrics-Based Resistance Band Training

Suspension and resistance band training has one weakness… you. Unlike those pricey anatomical-guided machines at the gym, resistance bands and free weights rely on the knowledge, technique, and proper form to build symmetry, strength, and performance. And this is one reason why home gyms get such a bad wrap is they rely on you, almost […]

Achieving Your Best Life/Health Ever: Using A.I. Wearable Technology

The age of Artificial Technology (A.I.) is here, and it is going to change your life. Some for potentially the worse, and others for the best. Whether you are in the crowd who laments the loss of humanity or welcomes AI’s “my logic is undeniable” (I, Robot, Film from 2004) guidance into your daily life, […]

Easy Affordable TENS Recovery (with Massage Bonus): The Auvon H1

With as little as three clicks, you could be on your way to less pain. Best of all, this is literally straight out of the box (hint: you won’t even need to crack the pages of the manual). Earlier this year we became TENS Recovery believers after reviewing the Auvon Touchscreen TENS and Powered Muscle […]

MMA Workout – And Here Comes The Boom

Would you like to improve your odds in a fight and get a great workout at the same time? Well, here’s the deal–Your odds of winning any confrontation can be significantly increased by simply avoiding a good portion of the punches being thrown. That is sometimes easier claimed than done, so it is also important […]

Fitness Trainer Michael Giovanni Rivera on Bulking Up, Peaking, and Skipping Leg Day

In the world of athlete trainers, Michael Giovanni Rivera is the juice before the squeeze and the extra ounce before the effort. He has worked with a variety of clients you’d likely recognize, including Tito Ortiz, Kenda Perez, Fabricio Werdum, The Game, and Ochocinco. He has been training celebrities and athletes at the peak of […]

How to Heal Using the TENS Portable Recovery Stimulator

A couple of weeks ago we were contacted to try one of the TENS touchscreen stimulators by Auvon, and seeing that half our staff was recovering from some kind of injury, we figured it was fate. And so we accepted the invitation and when it arrived we all hobbled to the mailbox to see who’d […]

How Practicing Proper Breathing Impacts Your Health

Practicing proper breathing can make a huge difference in achieving optimal health. Unfortunately, not everyone pays importance to proper breathing. Generally, each body system relies on oxygen. From digestion to the cognitive system, effective breathing is beneficial. It doesn’t only provide a greater sense of mental clarity, but it also helps you digest food more […]

How to Lose Weight (without starving)

When you think of a diet, I bet your first thoughts are eating more steak, good fats, and remembering to fill yourself up with a big breakfast every morning. No? Well, perhaps you’ve not been introduced to the one diet that helps you lose weight, all while still allowing you to eat a lot of […]