KUL CBD Tincture – Cure (Relief) For What Ails You

Having our offices located in the heart of Colorado means that we are no strangers to CBD oil. If you are unfamiliar with the basics of this wonder compound, we published a crash course on the 10 things everyone should know about CBD and this is a good place to start. When we were invited […]

10 Things Every Guy Needs to Know About CBD

Even though most people consider cannabis to be a recreational drug and something that could endanger their health, the truth is quite the opposite. If you want to do something good for your body and mind, looking into CBD – cannabidiol, a compound you can find in cannabis – is the thing for you. Therefore, […]

How to Master Napping

The nap is commonly associated with children, grandpa’s, the weak and the frail. Men like Napoleon Bonaparte, Stonewall Jackson, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, and John F. Kennedy. What’s that, you say? Yes, all these great men were well-known nap takers, and their naps may have been a motivating factor for at least some of their success. Did […]

Everything You Need to Know About Self-Defense

Did you know that a violent crime occurs every 25 seconds in the US? The world has become a dangerous place for men and women alike, with potential threats to your safety and the safety of those you hold dear lurking behind the next corner. In the modern world, self-defense is no longer an option, […]

Saxx Movember and New Holiday Print

Each Movember, Saxx takes a break from its own amazing story and opens its hearts and ears to all the brave men who have their own story to tell. “We make life-changing underwear,” says Tim Bartels, the CEO of Saxx. And within each of those changed lives often resides other life-changing events, such as suicide, […]

Expert Tips On Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep is somewhat of an unsung hero. We spend over a quarter of our lives doing it – yet it rarely gets the respect (or attention) it deserves. Of all the important things you do in a day, sleep should always be among the top of your list. It doesn’t take many hours of lost sleep before […]

The Roundup – A Gym for Napping

If you came here expecting to find an article about taking a nap while you’re at the gym, we’ve got an even better alternative for you. The only way that you are going to improve how you feel, improve the way you function, and improve yourself overall is to exercise – and do it consistently. […]

Be a Better Man – Men’s Health Box

We have exhausted ourselves in past articles, trying to find the simplest formula to becoming a better man. What we know so far is that it is likely a combination of knowing who you are, listening and learning from others, substituting good habits for bad, and taking action rather than getting stuck in the planning […]

Dr. Tim Ramirez on Motivation, Wearable Tech and Achieving Your Best Health

A man’s body should be his temple, but this ideal is not easy to achieve when you’ve got a career, goals, women to satisfy… and well, basically a life. But if there is one man who understands what it’s like to be a modern guy trying to maintain his health in an unhealthy world – […]

5 Ways to Use Fitness to Reduce Stress

Jobs are a necessary part of life, but they also contribute to much of the stress we experience. Although exercise is a proven way to reduce stress, squeezing exercise time into a busy workday can be difficult. However, if you work in an office, these fitness techniques are easy to incorporate throughout your day and […]