Archives for 2022

How to Heal Using the TENS Portable Recovery Stimulator

A couple of weeks ago we were contacted to try one of the TENS touchscreen stimulators by Auvon, and seeing that half our staff was recovering from some kind of injury, we figured it was fate. And so we accepted the invitation and when it arrived we all hobbled to the mailbox to see who’d […]

A Man’s Greatest Travel Destinations

Soul Searching Beyond Your Soul A man should engage in a lot of soul-searching to accomplish everything he wants out of life. It is these meditation rituals that will help you accomplish greater success, build a better body and find true love. However, don’t forget to take a look outside that window of your soul every now […]

How a Man’s Legacy/Power is Etched onto His Skin with Jewelry

The naked body has been the form of much of the world’s greatest art and conversation pieces, but beyond those six-pack abs and body ink (i.e. tattoos), a man’s greatest opportunity to alter his character and legacy is to utilize the power of fashion. In particular, the man’s fashion accessory (or jewelry) has grown quite […]

Woman of Your Dreams: How to Approach, Seduce, and Impress

We’re going to cut to the chase. Today we’d like to provide you with the real story on seducing women. Some of the following tips you may have seen before, but most are probably new. We know that there is a lot of great advice on meeting and seducing women, but you’re not looking for […]

7 Myths of Your Brain That Could Actually Be True

The universe is filled with wondrous mysteries, but none are any more wondrous than the amazing feats found inside your own head. Some researchers claim that within your own brain lies the potential to improve cognitive function throughout your lifetime and function at a higher capability than the average person—or can it? 1. Your brain […]

Unicorns, Yeezys, Myths and More

Life can be a grind at times, and when you’re busy, it can pass you by. Here’s some of the things you might have recently missed. Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. Big Think – A drunk mind speaks a sober heartStockX […]

Is Approval Disorder Destroying Your Life and Career?

These days you can lose your job, friends and life from an ill-spoken comment, but what should that mean to your pursuit for a better life? Think about this: When was the last time you posted a photo, told a joke, or had a discussion with a co-worker without monitoring yourself to maintained absolute political […]

How Running Can Improve Personal Health And Wellness

Out of all the exercises out there, running is one of the most popular, along with walking and jogging. The thing that makes running an appealing activity for many is that you can do it anytime and anywhere. You can also do it in groups or do it solo with your dog. Best of all, […]

How to Become a Better Man

Success is attracted to men who are riding the waves of excess charisma, creativity, and confidence. These men crash down on the shore’s of life, and proceed to take it on a whimsical journey of mystery, learning, and innovative ideas. This is an impressive sight to behold, unless you happen to be one of the […]