Summer Sizzles

As men endure the seasons, their only hope is to look towards a new cycle like when summer returns and signals new beginnings. From bikinis to short skirts, there’s probably other stuff we overlooked as well.

Katelyn Runck on Health, Fitness, and Embracing Your Potential

Can you think of three awesome things that have emerged from North Dakota? We’d say that Teddy Roosevelt tops our list, followed by the amazing film, Fargo (1996), and then… Well, we’d have to say Katelyn Runck (although we might be guilty of being a bit partial). But you can’t compare this woman with a […]

Sex, Confidence, Respect and Other Insights to Happiness

Knowledge is at the core of every great legacy that has ever been celebrated. And so we estimate that somewhere within this next 3 minutes you will grow to become an even better man than you are right now. And at the price of free, we think that is a pretty fantastic payoff. We’ve discovered […]

Why You Should Fear A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now considered to be the most likely reason to be the end of humanity according to a number of thought leaders and scientific experts. In an open letter to the Future of Life Institute, signed by such men as Stuart Russell, Stephen Hawking, and Elon Musk – these men have recommended that […]

Men’s Health Box Review 2019 – Third Year’s the Charm

The Men’s Health quarter box is still kickin’, and they’ve even got a couple of years under their belt. We wondered if its curators have allowed their box to age with beauty, practically, real usefulness, and grace. “For just one dollar a day,” you can do an awful lot of things, like sit at the […]

Does Neutrogena Light Therapy Spot Treatment Work For Guys?

Does Light therapy work on a dude’s spots? Yeah!?! We’re not here to discuss that – it has been making miracles happen in dermatologist offices for years. But can a high tech skin gadget you buy off a shelf (normally advertised for girls) really help a guy with a small acne breakout? And work in […]

9 Tips to Become Instantly Attractive to Women

There is rarely a shortcut to anything in life that holds true value. However, there are seven things you could start doing tomorrow that would attract more women to you. And not only attract more of them but also increase your attraction from the women you already have. Prioritize Your Focus You can build yourself […]

The (Modern) Art of Being a Gentleman – Interview with Author, Dr. Dain Heer

Do you know what it means to be a man right now? What about a gentleman? If we stumped you with that question you are not alone. In fact, a lot of guys aren’t sure how to be a gentleman, but today we’d like to give you a nudge (more like a full-on shove) in […]

5 Things that Inspire All Men

If you want a truly exceptional life, there is only one thing that stops most men from achieving that. We’re talking about inspiration. Think about it. Every man has the potential to be great. We are all given the stuff necessary to make dreams come true, but only a handful ever do. And do you […]

Protected: Interview – Anna Louise

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