How to Handle Your Money Like a Successful Entrepreneur

Being a successful entrepreneur doesn’t sound like the hardest job in the world, but if you want to be one of the best, you need to put in a lot of extra work. There are lots of things to handle and a number of problems you have to keep solving every single day, and this […]

The Connection Between Making Your Bed and Success

If you want to be a success in life, there are a number of steps that most successful people recommend. You have to believe in yourself, you have to be okay with the idea of failure, you have to be ready to hear the word no, again and again, you have to align yourself with […]

One Simple Change that Can Help You Succeed

Most success articles start off with a motivational talk, followed by a distinct group of steps of what you need to do to become a successful person. And while we have been guilty of this pattern from time to time, we prefer it when we can simplify our advice to something that practically any man can do, […]

How to Answer the Most Commonly Asked Job Questions

A Job interview has nothing to do with you. That’s right, you read that correctly. You may have thought that in order to get the job you want – you need to walk into that interview platform with more revelation, creativity, exhilaration, and passion than any other candidate. And while it doesn’t hurt to have […]

How to Persevere and Win

You know what the biggest obstacle to winning is? It is a failure. But not just failure itself, because failure is something that everyone must face. In fact, the only difference between winners and losers – is that the losers rarely fail. Yeah, you heard that correct. They never fail, because they are so afraid […]

Dealing With Difficult Conversations At Work

Let’s have a difficult conversation about one moment that almost every man tries to avoid – the moment where you must face a difficult conversation in the workplace. These are the moments when your job is on your line, a promotion, or possibly even a friendship. You know that if you keep quiet everything might […]

Transform Your Future With Hustle

The average 9 to 5 guy often dreams of ways out of his dreaded job. Some dream of starting a business, like restaurant or retail shop, or another another endeavour. Others try their hand at consulting, or an online business. Either way, if the life of working for someone else is not for you and sometimes dream […]

4 Career Challenges You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of

Every person will face numerous challenges during his or her professional career. You could either see these challenges as hurdles to conquer – or problems to shy away from. Deciding to work through these challenges, rather than backing away from them out of fear, will help you meet your personal and financial goals. Here are four of […]

How to Be a Man – And Invest Your Own Money

There are a lot of investment strategies today that claim they can make just about anyone into a multi-millionaire. While some of these are at least partially truth based, many are basically scams. The sad truth of many investment theories is that the teachers of these programs are merely failed investors themselves who have only […]

30 Idioms That Casually Tell Your Co-Workers to Get Their Sh*t Together

Sometimes there is no better way to get your point across at the office, than to make your vocabulary short, strong, to the point, and as visually dramatic as possible. These are the 30 classic idioms that will tell your co-workers to get their sh*t together, without actually saying, “Get your sh*t together.” “Marching orders”– […]