4 Tips to Boost Metabolism For Better Muscle Gains


The old plan for gaining muscle was to eat a lot, lift heavy, and worry about losing all that chub once you reached your size goal. The only problem was that overeating plus working out does not create a ripped physique that women swoon after, but rather a lunk-look, that most prefer to run from.

A diet full of plenty of protein and vitamins and minerals is essential for building muscle. However, if you plan right, you can build quality muscle without the flab, and all you need to do is focus on boosting your metabolism with the help of these four tips.

  1. Get Off Your Duff- Your metabolism is going nowhere fast as long as you are stuck in your office chair doing nothing. Without motion, the body has no reason to burn fat, so you have to give it reason by creating a regular workout routine, which includes a variety of activities, such as cardio, aerobics, yoga (Broga), and good old-fashioned weight training.
  2. Don’t Skip Breakfast- You have probably heard this before, but this is your reminder to actually pay attention this time. If you skip breakfast, your body responds by shutting down its metabolism. The body is not into cannibalizing itself, so if you want to experience peak metabolic rate you’ve got to eat throughout the day, beginning with a morning meal. In addition, studies suggest that guys who eat breakfast are much less likely to be tempted by junk food later in the day.
  3. Keep Calories Intake Even throughout the Day- A big misunderstanding about metabolism, is that it is fantastic in the morning, and sluggish in the evening. In other words, A lot of people follow the old saying, “eat breakfast like a king, and dinner like a pauper.” There is actually not much scientific basis for this myth. You are better off eating a moderate caloric meal several times per day using a consistent meal schedule.
  4. Drink Plenty of Water– While drinking water in itself wont help burn calories, it can help you eat less, which will in turn help maintain your metabolism on an even keel. Eating excessively for any one meal overloads the digestive system, triggering the body to shut down and process all that food overload. This is one reason why those big meals make you feel so sluggish.


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About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.