Magnificent Bachelor Pads

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Classy Bachelor Pads

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How The Other Half Live – Michael Jordan

If you’ve ever wanted to live large and have the bank roll to do it, this is the home to do it. Michael Jordan’s 56,000 square foot mansion hits the auction block this Friday. Just north of Chicago, the property is a little over 7 acres and expected to sell at around $20 million. Not […]

Gentleman Bathtubs

Confucius say, bathtubs are for women, unless women already in the bathtub. Here is a line of modern style whirlpool tubs that would look fitting in any mans bachelor pad. Bikini optional.

When Art-Deco Design Meets Bold Bachelor

Something positively tingly happens when art-deco meshes with the right bachelor.

Ultimate Bachelor Pad Interiors

A beautiful woman may be nice to look at on the outside. However, if you’ve got to live with her 24/7, it is mandatory that she at least have a livable interior, if you know what we mean. This can also be said about any bachelor pad. These are a few bachelor interiors that we’d […]

What Every Bachelor Pad Needs

Hey bachelors, do you know what you need? Yeah, we’re talking to all you guys with that wire wine rack sitting on your kitchen counter. Don’t you think that one of these wine cellars would compliment your image with a little more class?

Manly Distractions

Men, you’ve got enough stuff taking away from your attention today… So we figured, why not add just a couple more.            

Amazing Showers to Envy

Many great moments have occurred in a well designed shower, including relaxation, exhilaration, beauty appreciation, and of course lust and envy. It actually takes a lot to influence a guy to pay attention to his shower. One of the easiest ways is to give it interest and an original point of view, as in the […]