No One Said It Was Easy

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Man was put on this earth with only one drive to see him through. The drive to succeed.

The drive to learn, question, suffer, conquer, rise above the negative, and finish this life-long race with a legacy to be remembered by. The drive to change the world for the better, find a great woman, join a tribe, build his own empire, and discover what it is that truly makes him happy. But this is a lot to expect from one man.

But nobody ever said that a man’s journey has to be completed on his own. Here are a few tips to help you along the way.

Avoid Procrastinating

It always seems that every time you are about to embark on a journey of self-improvement, something tragic happens in your life and you have to put it on hold. But this is the part where we have to tell you that there will never be a “right” time to make your dreams come true. There were never be a point where you feel prepared and ready for the journey ahead. You just have to dive straight into the dark murky waters, and just know that everything is going to be okay. And it will be as long as you keep swimming.

Your Mindset

Even though there is no way to entirely prepare for the journey ahead, you do have to have the right mindset. Half of the battle, for even a remote chance of success, starts with mental preparation. In many cases, you are your own worst enemy. Developing a positive mindset can help you meet the challenge of failing. Because you will fail, and probably more than once. It’s a very rare thing where someone steps up to the plate for the first time and hits it out of the park. But failure is never the end of the story unless you quit. And you’re not a quitter. And that leaves only one other option… to persevere and win.

Measuring Up

It takes a certain degree of self-awareness to discover your strengths as a man. When you tackle a challenge, how do you measure your output? If it meets the status quo, chances are it isn’t good enough. Not in your mind, anyway. If you want to succeed, you need to not just measure up, but level up. You want to be better than the status quo and raise the bar. But don’t get the wrong idea here. We’re not talking about measuring yourself against those around you. There is only one man you should be focused on outdoing every single day… and that is you. Your path, strengths, and weaknesses are all unique to you, and therefore your journey to improve will be just as unique. Forget about what everyone else is doing and focus on making tomorrow’s version of yourself just a little bit better than today’s.

Obstacles in Disguise

It’s obvious that in whatever field you might choose, the competition is a factor. But they aren’t the only obstacle. Sometimes it’s your personal network or family. Without support from them, they can be one of your greatest hindrances to achieving your goals. And here is a really good tip to take to heart (literally): There is such a thing as focusing too much on your own goals. When you focus too much on yourself, you end up turning other people away. And you are not going to get very far without the help from other people. And don’t forget that one of the best ways to improve your own life, is to be a part of improving someone else’s.


Each generation of men is always told how lazy we are compared to the last. So much so, you might get the feeling that man is in a backward spiral of lost effort and creativity. But what we are not told is that the traditional form of “effort” is not as productive as the old saying goes. In fact,  we are only burning ourselves out by trying to achieve too much. Believe it or not, there is such a thing as “leisurely learning”, according to the practice of scholē, and this could be the kind of rest and relaxation your success has been asking for.


Also see:

How to Become One of the Few Who Live Their Dream

Essential Advice for Men from Isaiah Mustafa

5 Lessons Most Men Learn Too Late in Life

9 Great Reads For Motivated Men

101 Lessons for Men to Live By



About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created, a site for every guy.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created, a site for every guy.