Guide to Keeping Your Resolutions


Coming up with New Year’s resolutions is something that nearly half of us do every year without fail. However, the biggest problem is not coming up with them, but following through, which statistics suggest only about 19 percent of us do. However, today we’re going to change that.

Clutter Be Gone– The guys and gals in lab coats have done the research on this stuff, and to spare you the boring details, the conclusion was that clutter stresses people out, causes depression, and drains you of your energy. So, while clutter itself may not have much to do with your resolutions, the mere fact that you may be dealing with it every day, could be draining your motivation to accomplish these goals.

Removing clutter does not always mean throwing away all your favorite stuff, but finding an organized means of storing them out of your sight. There are all kinds of closet systems, storage devices, and space saving gadgets that can minimize the clutter in your life.

Lavish the Feeling of Fear– Fear is the prerequisite to almost every great accomplishment that has ever occurred in this world. It is a shame that some people fear it so much, they avoid trying new things. The truth is, there is no such thing as failure, as long as you continue to try and learn from your mistakes.

Create Clear, Actionable Goals– Think about your top resolution for a moment, and ask yourself if it represents a clear, actionable goal? In other words, have you just stated a wish, or laid out a path to get there. Many resolutions begin with wanting to eat healthier, get fit, or find a better job. However, without the plan or tools, the chance of accomplishing these tasks diminishes.

One effective means of satisfying your resolutions, is to organize your life around these actions. Realizing the potential of your body can come from following the action of a prescribed health regimen, like P90X. You can also update your wardrobe and briefcase to give you incentive and confidence as you interview for a new career. The idea is that every goal must follow a recognizable action.

Keep Your Resolutions to Yourself– It is typical to announce your resolutions to the world, but according to statistics, you could be doing yourself a disservice, and here’s why. Every time you tell someone your goals, you are giving yourself a reward in advance, because it makes you feel good, and you will often receive praise for making the announcement.

This is also known as approval addiction. Any goal that is worth achieving for yourself should not require the acceptance of others. This year, rather than considering what others think, focus your goals around action, positive reinforcement, and the reward of making yourself proud.

Knowledge Is Courage– People consider certain acts accomplished by the military and police as heroic. I am not about to argue with that. However, a very important part of those stories is not traditionally recognized in the word hero, and that is preparedness. The more prepared you are to accomplish something, the more likely you will be to react quickly and correctly when your moment comes.

If you are looking for the courage to achieve your resolutions, begin by empowering yourself with knowledge. This can be done by reading up about the human psyche, office politics, and basic survival tactics. The more confidence you with handling yourself within a variety of situations, the more courage you will have to take destiny by its reins, and guide it to where you want.

Avoid Negative Incentive– One common belief among the resolution crowd is that if there is no pain, there is no gain. While this may be somewhat true in a gym setting, in your mind it can quickly deteriorate your self confidence. If you attempt to reach your goals with the constant reminder that you are not good enough, you will eventually start to believe your words, and lose faith in actualizing a better you.

I’m referring to the moments you call yourself dumb for making a mistake at work, or fat because you are craving chocolate. We are not defined by our past, but rather the choices we make today. There is always the option to make a fresh start, so long as you allow yourself the opportunity. Take this opportunity you’ve been given, and make 2014 the year you keep your resolutions.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created, a site for every guy.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created, a site for every guy.