3 Ways to Be Happier At Work


One of the biggest reasons that men fail at their career, is a lack of inspiration and happiness. If you are not happy with where you are now, your only options are to move on, or make the most of where you’re are. Here are 5 tips to be happier in any career.

1. Take a Break– Companies often take advantage of the workaholic who is willing to work 24/7 without sleep, eat, or anything else fun for that matter. A man can only keep this kind of dedication up for a short time before burning himself out. Remember to take a break from work and chat with a friend, run on the treadmill, or find something else interesting to do on your desk.

2. Ask for a Raise– More money will make almost anyone happier with their career. Research suggests that one of the reasons that men fail to get a raise, is that they can’t find the courage to approach upper management and politely remind them that they are due.

3. Donate Your Work to a Worthy Cause– Money won’t bring complete happiness… although, it will take some of the sting out of the monthly check signing. What does seem to bring happiness, however, is helping others and donating your work efforts to a greater cause.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.