Wing Girl Marni Kinrys on How to Handle An Aggressive Woman


Women can be overly aggressive at times. A lot of guys take this as a hint to retreat and find some kinder seas from which to cast their hook. However, you should keep in mind that a lot of worthwhile women use this kind of aggressive banter as a means to designate if a guy is truly worth her attention.

A confident and aggressive woman can be one of the most sensual and erotic experiences of a man’s lifetime, so if you’re ready to take a walk on this wild side, Marni the Wing Girl has a few tips for you:

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created, a site for every guy.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created, a site for every guy.