Go Ahead, Let em’ Rip… Your Underwear’s Got You Covered!

In a world of dancing robots and artificial body organs, it’s about time a company addresses a serious problem that has plagued men since the introduction of the cabbage and bean… flatulence!

4Skins has announced the release of their newest product, an odor neutralizing underwear, that works by attracting, isolating, and absorbing noxious gas odors. The underwear is sold under the tag-line, “Keep it in your pants,” and goes from $24 to $38 US, depending on the style (trunks, briefs, etc).

I sure hope Victoria Secret catches wind (pun intended) of these little beauties soon. While men are trained to believe that women don’t fart, the all too common sight of them waddling to their apartment after a date, should be proof enough these ladies need a release too!

(Story and Photos via Gizmag.com)

About Pamela Causfield

I'm a digital nomad and story teller that writes for Urbasm and a few other websites on men's interests, style, relationships and whatever tickles my fancy. In my spare time I like to play the field in search of my prince, travel, and consider myself an artisan of sarcasm at times.