7 Things You Don’t Know About Women


While most men would like to think they have a pretty good grasp of the female species, most women would disagree. Here are seven things that the nerds in lab coats have uncovered, that most of us men would likely benefit from knowing.

1. If She Cuts the Night Short… She Probably Needs to Cut Something Else
Like the popular kid’s book, Everybody Poops, there is a new edition coming out soon, called, Everybody Toots. Depending on what your date had for dinner, she might start filling up faster than a hot-air balloon in the Mohave Dessert. If she has no convenient place to release the pressure, she might have to put an abrupt end to an otherwise perfect evening. This doesn’t mean she didn’t have a good time, and should not affect your confidence to call her the next day.

2. Most of Her Fantasies Revolve Around You
According to surveys, women in relationships prefer fantasizing about their current partner. This is contrary to most men who regularly engage in fantasies about other women. While the majority of Americans prefer ex-girlfriends, classmates, and co-workers when bumping an ugly, a quarter of Canadian men prefers imaginary characters, such as Jessica Rabbit and Barnie the Purple Dinosaur.

3. She Knows You’re Lying… Why Bother?
Guys think they can weasel out of a stiff predicament by lying… but it’s usually better to fess up and get it over with.

4. If She Cheats, You Deserved it (at least, in her mind)
Women cheat because they feel entitled, according to research. A Toronto study found the majority (90 percent) of women who cheated on their boyfriend/husband felt no remorse or guilt. For one, these women believed emotional cheating (I’m in love with my co-worker) was more inappropriate than a quick romp on the desk (My co-worker is hot). These studies also suggested women release themselves from guilt when their happiness is on the line. In other words, if her partner is not up to the job of making her happy, she feels entitled to find it elsewhere.

5. Thank you Goes a Long Way
Women often feel unappreciated for the things they do. While some guys will do the obligatory dinner and a movie, according to research, showing appreciation is a lot easier than you may think. Even when a relationship is completely lopsided in chores, the overworked woman will remain satisfied, as long as her guy remembers to say, Thank you, every now and then.

6. Don’t Mention the P-Word… Unless You’re Asking to Buy Pads at the Store
Women don’t like mention of these three syllables, especially under the context, Are you PMS-ing again? Instead, hold your tongue, wait it out, and live to say something wrong another day.

7. She’s Less Excited About Receiving Lingerie, As You Are About Giving It
All women love pretty, shiny things. However, when it comes to glimmering, Las Vegas, showgirl costumes, not all women are excited to climb aboard your fantasy train. There are two things you can do to ensure these gifts are accepted with open arms. One, don’t make lingerie her only gift. Two, buy the right size. You wouldn’t stroll into an auto part store, asking for engine oil without having some idea of the weight you needed. The wrong weight can potentially seize your engine before the dipstick makes it back in the tube!

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.